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Taste the Future.  3 of our 5 future bars showing how chocolate is made and enjoyed in 2076!


We think that as the population increases and available land decreases, that low-resource ingredients will be used for chocolatemaking in the future.  Check out the photo above to show the land, water and emissions of varying milks.   None of us need dairy and in fine chocolate it actually gets in the way of tasting.  Taste these gentle milks and whites to see how clearly you can taste the chocolate, the nuts and other ingredients.  Great thought experiment that led to many many making experiments.


Mellow, almost Baklava-like profile - Brazil 54 

Creamy, Salty, Caramel - Redskin 51 

Creamy, intricate, tangy and gorgeous - Raspberry Anise 49

Powerful Sweet Coffee that can't burn you or be spilled! - So Woke 37

Intricate, exotic, savoury, creamy, unique world first - Star Anisey Night



Each bar offers a delicious glimpse of the future, each demonstrates the use of novel world-class ingredients.  Here we devise new recipes requiring new techniques.  Each is the product of a lot of research, this bundle is years in the making.   Enjoy!


Bundle - Taste the Future

31,50£ Precio
26,50£Precio de oferta
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